Daily Dose of Asian Addiction

Archive for July, 2008

1/2 of Fahrenheit invades Philippines?

Not really aware of it. As i’m watching Entertainment Live right now, i’m surprise that fahrenheit is really here…oh it’s only half of the group? And they already have a fan-base here but nothing compared to F4 phenomenon before. I’m not into Taiwanese stuff, they’re the only taiwanese artist i know ofcourse aside from F4, but where the hell are they? It’s a good thing that they know how to speak english, i’m already overloaded of hangul thing. ok, i blog this because this is the first time i saw a very contagious smile, so natural. *squealing like a fangirl* see his photo below….haven’t seen caps of their interview in the net yet.

Calvin Chen

he is like this all the time. i didn’t seem to notice wu chun at all. haha! anyway, wu chun and calvin chen are part of the group fahrenheit. a taiwanese idol group. though i prepare to see them acting rather than singing. peace to their fans, it’s just my two cents.


L-R. Wu Chun, Jiro Wang, Aaron Yan, Calvin Chen

Romantic Princess

their visit is a part of the promotion of their tv series here in the philippines which you can watch in abs – cbn in the afternoon – Romantic Princess. too bad haven’t watch a whole episode of it.

Pops In Seoul 1000th episode : Enjoy K-pop Party!

to those who are asking where i was last saturday…i was here! hahaha…my kpop addiction. pops in seoul, a show which you can watch in arirang channel, taped their 1000th episode here in manila. the episode will be shown end of the this month in korea and 1st week of august here in the philippines.